Welcome to MI PTA Council!
The mission of the Mercer Island PTA Council is to serve as a resource to unit PTAs, families, and community members within the Mercer Island School District – and to advocate for the health, well-being, inclusion, and education of every child.
2024-2025 PTA Reflections District Awards Winners
3/9/2025 10:54 pm
Mercer Island PTA Council salutes and congratulates all of the participants in the Reflections Program!
YOUR ACTION NEEDED: Ask State Officials to Prioritize Funding for Education
1/9/2025 11:59 am

Town Hall on School Funding Crisis
1/4/2025 7:15 pm
Students, families, teachers and the Eastside community are encouraged to attend a Town Hall on the School Funding Crisis! We need our community to show up to push legislators for a fully-funded education system. The state of Washington continues to fall short of its paramount, constitutional duty to fully fund basic K-12 education and our schools are facing a serious budget crisis.
Join a unified voice of PTAs, school district leaders, and educators from Bellevue, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, Issaquah and Renton on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 at Sammamish High School in Bellevue from 7:00-8:30 pm.
Your voice is essential as we seize this historic opportunity to transform education in Washington state. We need YOU and we need your VOICE!
9/30/2024 10:14 am
Submit your artwork today to 2024-2025 PTA Reflections! Any students K-12 can create original works of art in response to this year's theme "Accepting Imperfection".Deadline for 2024 submission: December 4, 2024 by 3:45 pm.
Read MoreWA State PTA asks parents to vote NO on Initiatives 2109 & 2117 in November
9/13/2024 10:44 am
WA State PTA asks parents to vote NO on Initiatives 2109 & 2117 in November
Washington State PTA (WSPTA) opposes both Initiative 2109 (to repeal capital gains tax) and Initiative 2117 (to repeal the climate commitment act) in the upcoming election. If passed, these initiatives together may equate to an estimated loss of $1 billion annually towards public school funding, based on what they brought in last year. To learn more details about why WSPTA opposes these initiatives click here!
Don't forget to REGISTER TO VOTE to make your voice heard in the upcoming election - click here!
Read More2023-2024 PTA Reflections Awards Winners
1/24/2024 8:14 pm
Here is a list of 2023-2024 PTA Reflections winners!
Reflections Awards Ceremony on Monday, March 4 from 5-7pm at IMS Commons
Read More
MI Community Scholarship Program
Our ability to honor deserving MIHS seniors depends on the generosity of our community. Learn more about the scholarship program and how your contribution can make a difference. We appreciate donations of any amount. Thank you for your support!
MI Parent Edge
Mercer Island Parent Edge is a non-profit organization which is part of the Mercer Island PTA Council.
Action Network Alerts
Want to advocate locally for school funding, special education, librarians, etc? Subscribed to WSPTA's Action Network Group to receive action alerts on active legislative topics. Subscribe here now!