PTA Advocacy Committee


How We Work

The PTA Advocacy Committee advocates for the interests of the PTA and students of the Mercer Island School District. We support solutions on issues impacting our schools and children. We facilitate communication within and from the PTA to the broader community. We take action for the development of the highest-quality learning environment. We support and speak on behalf of children and families to our school administration, government, and other organizations that make decisions impacting our schools.


Our committee is open to interested members of the PTA, and we collect input from the broader parent community. We work for positive and systemic impact. Listening, communication, and commitment to our children represent our core values.


Get in Touch

To learn more about getting involved, or to join a meeting, reach out to us at


Stay up to the Moment by LIKING us on Facebook

Find us on Facebook by using the search tool and entering Mercer Island PTA Council OR enter @miptacouncil.


WA State PTA Legislative Priorities (revised 2020)

Top 5 Legislative Priorities

  • Social Emotional Learning
  • School Construction and Simple Majority for Bonds
  • Prevent Gun Violence
  • Strategies to Address the Teacher Shortage
  • Strategic K-12 Investments to Close Gaps

The following legislative issues were added to the “Also Supported” list for the 2018 Legislative Platform (in alphabetical order):


  • Addressing the Teacher Shortage
  • Best Practices for School Meal Policies
  • Career Connected Learning, CTE & Stem
  • Dual Credit Equality & Support
  • Equity for Highly Capable Identification
  • Preventing and Mitigating the Impacts of Gender-based Violence
  • School Construction and Class Size Reduction





In the News:




Mercer Island PTAs


MI Community Scholarship Program

Our ability to honor deserving MIHS seniors depends on the generosity of our community. Learn more about the scholarship program and how your contribution can make a difference. We appreciate donations of any amount. Thank you for your support!

Upcoming Events

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Action Network Alerts

Want to advocate locally for school funding, special education, librarians, etc? Subscribed to WSPTA's Action Network Group to receive action alerts on active legislative topics. Subscribe here now!

WA State PTA


National PTA