February 2024 Advocacy Update

1/24/2024 7:00 pm

Even though this is a short legislative session, there are several proposed bills that would have a significant impact on our district.  As parents we know these issues matter a great deal to you so we are providing an avenue to have your voices heard.


A bill currently being considered by the Washington State Senate has the potential to increase funding for MISD, if passed. State Senator Lisa Wellman, who represents Mercer Island in the Washington State Senate, has co-sponsored Senate Bill 5956, "An Act Relating to Enrichment Levies," that would amend a law currently capping the amount of local taxes that can be used to support a school district, including teacher salaries. The amendment proposes applying a regionalization factor to the local levy authority of a given district,  so that areas like Mercer Island, which have higher costs of living, would be able to raise more funding through school levies. 


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Sign up for WSPTA Action Network Alerts

1/20/2023 6:20 pm

Want to advocate locally for school funding, special education, librarians, etc? During the Washington State Legislative Sessions, WSPTA will send action alerts and informational broadcasts to WSPTA members who have subscribed to WSPTA's Action Network Group. These action alerts are quick, easy ways to communicate with our legislators on topics they are actively working on.

Subscribe here now!

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WSPTA Legislative Assembly 2022

10/18/2022 6:25 pm

WSPTA Legislative Assembly Top 5 Priorities

Advocacy is at the heart of everything we do in PTA. We would like to thank the 14 Mercer Island PTA members who recently attended the WSPTA Legislative Assembly. Their representation gave our children and community a voice.

This year we selected the top five issues for our two-year legislative platform as well as other supported issues and a number of long-term resolutions on topics that impact children in Washington state. Click here to learn more.

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Juneteenth on Mercer Island: A Celebration of Unity

6/22/2021 9:19 pm

A community event supported by: (in alphabetical order) City of Mercer Island, MI School District Board of Directors, MI Community Fund, MI PTA Council, ONE MI

On Friday, June 19th, Mercer Island will join towns across the country to celebrate Juneteenth, a historic day of American liberation commemorating the final enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation.

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Legislative Assembly 2020

8/12/2020 2:20 pm

The 42nd Annual Legislative Assembly is scheduled for October 24-25, 2020.

The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle.

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Come to Olympia for WSPTA Focus Day

1/12/2020 4:45 pm

As MISD PTA members, we are also part of the large Washington State PTA (WSPTA). There are opportunities to use our collective power as WSPTA members, particularly during active legislative sessions in Olympia. Focus Day is when individual members travel to Olympia for a day full of engagement around our mission. Members meet with legislators, tour the capitol, and demonstrate advocacy in action.

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Mercer Island PTAs


MI Community Scholarship Program

Our ability to honor deserving MIHS seniors depends on the generosity of our community. Learn more about the scholarship program and how your contribution can make a difference. We appreciate donations of any amount. Thank you for your support!

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Action Network Alerts

Want to advocate locally for school funding, special education, librarians, etc? Subscribed to WSPTA's Action Network Group to receive action alerts on active legislative topics. Subscribe here now!

WA State PTA


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