Our Digital World

Resources for Managing Social Media Usage
Follow-up to PE screening of IndieFlix Film “LIKE – The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives”

Kids and Tech: Keeping our Children Safe
follow-up to IMS PTSA presentation


IMS PTA recently presented “Kids and Tech:  Keeping our Children Safe” featuring speakers Cecelia Greyson and Ian Polhemus.  Cecelia Gregson is an IMS parent and the prosecutor to the Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce. Cecelia and Ian Polhemus, Seattle Police Internet Crimes Against Children Detective, shared their experiences professionally and personally in an effort to better educate parents with tech savvy kids navigating coming of age in a digital world fraught with peril.


View their Internet Safety Powerpoint Presentation


Did you know…

Washington State ranked 1st per capita in the nation in 2016 for the number of unique internet protocol addresses sharing child exploitation material online?


The images collected and traded over the internet often come from children that offenders meet and groom online.  The offenders meet kids through a slew of apps we all know and should be intelligently monitoring such as Kik, ChatSnap, ChatStep, Tumblr, Instagram etc.  We live in a tech-rich community and crime analysts are currently examining our regional child exploitation boom and considering whether our thriving economy and tech heavy community may have a correlation to the uptick in numbers of offenders exploiting our children.



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